


Is git clone too slow? Use Gitee as a relay station for elegant acceleration (because of failure, it turned into a water article).

Cause of the Matter#

The poor soapffz's ladder is set up and hung up one by one. The Firefox VPN plugin is sufficient for browsing foreign websites, but it is not powerful for downloading GitHub projects.

I don't want to bother with the little airplane, but the speed of downloading Liang Ge's articles is unbearable. GitHub address:



So I Baidu "git clone speed up" for the nth time, and most of them still recommend using tools such as Chinese webmasters to ping GitHub's CDN address and add it to the HOSTS file. However, it is troublesome and the effect is not obvious. This time I found an article by a comrade with a big brain:


First, log in to your Gitee account (if you haven't registered yet):

After logging in, click the plus sign in the upper right corner to create a new project:


Then don't fill in anything, scroll to the bottom, and select "Import Existing Repository":


Paste the GitHub project address you need to clone, such as:, then click create, and it will start copying by itself:


Wait for a while, the time depends on the size of the project you want to copy, Liang Shen's project is more than 280 MB, and it took about NNNNN minutes

At this time, you can download your Gitee address, let's take a look at the speed:


Emmm, the speed is still considerable, but it seems that the time to wait for the project to be created is also quite long (@ (you know)) (escape~

Reminder, I will keep this project all the time, you can download Liang Shen's album directly from this project, and I will synchronize it from time to time

Update on 19-03-07: Liang Shen has stopped updating on 19-03-07

Download method:

git clone

For the method of organizing names, refer to the article:, and be sure to separate files with different naming methods and use the name organizing script in the article separately.

By the way, here is a small trick. For large folders that are rarely updated, you can use the following method to update the server code to the local:

View the address of the git remote repository: git remote -v
Three ways to update the code locally to the repository:

Method 1
git pull //get the latest changes from the server to the local

Method 2
$ git fetch origin master //download the code from the remote origin repository's master branch to the local origin master
$ git log -p master origin/master //compare the difference between the local repository and the remote reference
$ git merge origin/master //merge the code downloaded from the remote to the local repository
$ git branch -d temp //delete temp

Method 3
$ git fetch origin master:temp //download the master branch of the remote origin repository to the local and create a new branch temp
$ git diff temp //compare the difference between the master branch and the temp branch
$ git merge temp //merge the temp branch to the master branch
$ git branch -d temp //delete temp


While brushing the public account article and waiting for the project to be created (already waited for 14 minutes):


I came across an article from the Minority Report: This method of installing and uninstalling Windows software is super cool, you definitely don't know, which happens to be a tool based on PowerShell and uses GitHub-Scoop

One of the installation requirements is:

You can access GitHub normally and download resources from it quickly


Red and hot, confused and confused, the storm is crying:


It seems that a useful and unbreakable ladder is still very important. At this time, it has been 25 minutes since I created the repository, and it is still spinning. Therefore, I declare that this article recommendation has failed

Added "(Became a Water Article Because of Failure)" to the article title. In addition, students who use a good ladder can try the Windows software download tool recommended by the Minority Report mentioned above

End of the article~ (At this time, it has been 30 minutes since I created the repository, slower than downloading directly)

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