


Setting up Pikachu and Burp for brute-forcing Token-based forms using Docker.


Continuously organizing notes

Reference articles:

Installing Docker#

apt-get install -y

Then use the docker -v command to verify if the installation is complete:


Changing the Mirror#

You can configure your own mirror accelerator on Alibaba Cloud:

Log in to the Alibaba Developer Platform, after logging in, go to Docker Image Repository

Select the Accelerator Tab, here you can see that the system has generated an exclusive accelerator address for us:

vim /etc/docker/daemon.json

Basic configuration is as follows:

    "registry-mirrors": [""],
    "graph": "/mnt/docker-data",
    "storage-driver": "overlay"

The last two lines are problems I encountered during use, it seems to be a software driver issue

Just add them, and then restart the docker service:

systemctl daemon-reload
service docker restart

That's it

Installing Pikachu#

There is no ready-made image source for the pikachu target, so we need to build it ourselves

git clone
cd pikachu
docker build -t "pikachu" .

Use the current directory kerfile to create an image, named pikachu. It should be in the same directory as the Dockerfile, note the dot at the end of the command

It will pull the lnmp environment, which is about 200M

docker run -it -d -p 8082:80 pikachu
  • -i: Run the container in interactive mode, usually used with -t
  • -t: Allocate a pseudo-tty for the container, usually used with -i
  • -d: Run the container in the background and return the container ID
  • -- name: Give the container a name
  • -v /xxx:/yyy: Mount the xxx directory of the host to the yyy directory of the container
  • -p: Specify the IP and port to be mapped, but only one container can be bound to a specified port
  • Set the container's port mapping: docker run [-P][-p]
  • containerPort only specifies the container's port, and the host's port is randomly mapped: docker run -p 80 -i -t /bin/bash
  • hostPort specifies both the host's port and the container's port: docker run -p 8080:80 -i -t /bin/bash0
  • ip specifies the IP and the container's port: docker run -p -i -t /bin/bash
  • ip:hostPort specifies both the IP, the host's port, and the container's port: docker run -p -i -t /bin/bash


There is an initialization button on the homepage, click it to initialize



Setting up Burp#

You can follow the old method, search for proxy in the browser settings, and set the custom local and LAN proxy to

You can also use the browser plugin SwitchySharp

After installation, customize a mode called burpsuite in the options


Then you can quickly switch modes in the upper right corner plugin icon


Usually use the system proxy settings, and switch to Burp with one click when interception is needed

Also, if your target machine's ip is local, Burp defaults to intercepting

If, like me, the target machine is not on the local machine, then you need to set Burp to intercept all IPs

In the proxy tab, select the default in settings,

Click Edit on the left and change it to the second option All interfaces


This way, responses with IPs that are not local can also be intercepted

Pikachu Target Token Form Brute Force#

After setting up the proxy, select the target of brute force cracking on the Pikachu target, Token Anti-Brute Force?

Enable interception, fill in random data, and Burp intercepts the packets


Press F12 to view the source code and find that the token value is written just below the login form


Right-click and send the request to Intruder

Guessing that the token value is only related to the password, we clear it

Only select password and token values, and set the attack mode Attack type to Pitchfork


In the options tab, find Grep - Extract, click Add

Click Refetch response to make a request, and you can see the response message, directly select the string to be extracted

The start and end markers will be automatically filled in above.


Switch to the payloads tab, set the first payload to Simple list for dictionary mode


Add a dictionary below, and set the second payload to Recursive grep


When there is a Recursive grep option in the payload, it does not support multithreading. In options, change the threads to 1

There is no problem with 1 thread at all, Burp sends packets very quickly, click Attack in the upper right corner to start the attack


Brute force successful!

End of article.

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